May 2005
Agape Dynamics
GOD'S WORD: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - John 13:34
Something I notice about the above verse is that it is a command. It is not a suggestion or a plea or a "pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top" request. It is a command; something that is REQUIRED and EXPECTED from the one in authority. In my childhood understanding and a good part of my adulthood, I've seen this verse as something more of a guideline rather than an expectation. But if it is a command, then I need to take a more severe look at my life and benchmark my actions against it.
If I am to love others as Jesus loves me, I would not see others as better or worse in the kingdom. Jesus doesn't.
If I am to love others as Jesus loves me, I would be quicker to forgive those who have wronged me. Jesus did and does.
If I am to love others as Jesus loves me, my discipleship would not be filtered by comfort and convenience. Jesus' didn't.
If I am to love others as Jesus loves me, I would put others' needs above my own. Jesus did, on the Cross.
If the Cross is anything, it is not a symbol of death or defeat or dejection, but a sign that still calls out to you and to me to "Love one I have loved you!"
Let's take up our crosses, my friend,...AND LOVE!
Reproduction permitted for non-commercial use only. Copyright 2005 by Glenn W. Miller