Thursday, February 07, 2008

Blog Response

I recently saw a trailer for the movie EXPELLED, which promises to be a fascinating look at the viciousness of attacks against the Intelligent Design (I.D.) theory of the beginnings of the universe. You can view the trailer at the following link:

I checked the website and posted on their blog just to put some clarification into the arguments which I felt was missing because of both sides just trying to beat each other up. Maybe they didn't want the clarification, but it's an open blog so I'm allowed :-) Anyway, here is a copy of what I wrote. If you wish to see it on their site, I am number 675 on the post title "c'mon, you guys can do better than that". Please reply if you desire to do so! I always enjoy a good conversation either in person or by computer. God Bless.

I would like to put this question up in response specifically to Kelly, and to anyone else who would care to chime in:

While it is true that no one can “scientifically test” the theory of intelligent design (one can’t go back and run tests on God at the beginning of time to see how and if He did it), I would ask you to please give one little piece of “Scientific testing” of the beginning of life through the big-bang….
Of course, this is absurd. The FACTS on the issue are these: 1) We are here on a planet in the solar system that is one of many in the universe. 2) NO ONE was around to see the beginnings of the Earth or anything else for that matter. 3) Scientific testing using the scientific method has proven that the Law of Uniformity doesn’t apply uniformly to the natural processes at work on Earth. Why? Glad you asked. Everything from Fossils being created in weeks-months instead of lots of years to canyons being carved by natural disasters and high amounts of erosion that displace LARGE amounts of soil at once instead of a little at a time mess up the “uniform” processes we would say are at work.

So, what you have as an end result then is this. 1) 2 competing THEORIES. NEITHER can be scientifically proven correct beyond doubt. 2) BOTH theories have the exact same FACTS to work with. We don’t have any evidence in one camp that the other camp doesn’t have intellectual access to (no one has an ace-in-the-hole called an “I know something you don’t know, nah nah nah nah nah nah). 3) What makes the difference is how your presuppositions and interpretations of facts play in. I.D. campers say that there had to have been a designer, and they START with that presupposition and base information off of that (non-scientific). Evolution campers say that there was NOT a designer, that it all happened by chance, and they START there with that presupposition and base all information off of that position (also non-scientific). The only science is done by observation and testing. NO ONE on earth can re-test the beginnings of the world or universe. Neither can we look at the present and guaranteed accurately extrapolate the past. It would be a nice luxury, but we don’t have that.

NOW, all that being said, I as a Christian believe that the Bible is true. Yes, that’s a FAITH issue. If the Bible is true, then it is a true record of true history, in which case there IS an eyewitness to creation…God Himself who gave us the account so we would know where we came from. Therefore, my creationism view is clear from reading Genesis chapters 1-11.

If you’re an evolutionist, then you probably believe that the Bible is NOT true, and THAT is a FAITH issue as well ( because you cannot prove it otherwise. In fact, the bible is supported by the raw scientific facts that we have discovered so well, that it is almost laughable to hear that the bible and science contradict each other anymore. Only the interpretations of fact contradict each other).

So there you have it, the most accurate rendition of this whole fight, and intellectually why it is occurring. Please comment with thoughts, questions, or concerns! I welcome the input!!!


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