Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The issue of slavery....again.....and again..and again

I read an article today about a mother in Virginia who was outraged that her fourth grade daughter played the part of a slave-owner in school lesson that was used to interactively teach about the civil war period of our country. The lesson has been used for many years to promote integration, and to show the pain caused by racism of any kind. The mother is demanding that the school teachers and counselors take a course in being sensitive to those around them of different races, as penance for using the lesson and allowing it to be used in the school. ....as if teachers don't have enough USELESS things to occupy their already cramped time clock every day.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should do away with safeguards, but let's think about a few things here : First, it is a proven fact that children learn the best by doing, not hearing, and not seeing...doing. The children acting out the school lesson about a slave auction and how brutal it could be will always remember that lesson, and will most likely me that much more against any form of racism as a result. Second, the lesson was used to promote integration, acceptance, and uniformity of the importance of people of all races, and had been used successfully for many years. What's to dislike there? Third, if we digress so far away from racism that we can no longer teach about it in an active lesson plan, then we have destroyed our foundation. It isn't enough to teach children that racism is wrong, it must be shown to them. They have to know what it looks like so they can recognize it when they see it. America is a melting pot/ tossed salad/ etc / but it has had it's problems getting there. Blacks, Indians, Chinese, Irish, and Germans, have all had their share of hard times being accepted in the USA. This is a part of American History. If we don't teach about it, and show how it was, then how are the childrent to see how it is better today? Every class can teach good social skills, but not every class can be the same mantra of racism is bad, and diversity is good. A HISTORY class must teach HISTORY, not just current beliefs and values.

I personally hope that the issue of racism will eventually be allowed to rest in peace. The issue died a long time ago, but too many people insist on kicking around the dead corpse. And in due fashion, racism is a rotting, ugly, bloated issue in today's America.



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